Review Archive

  1. (Issue No. 28)
    Tracking Printed Pages (or How to Validate Assumptions)

    What guides your project decisions? Data or assumptions? Adrian discusses the importance of tracking site features, like print styles, to inform how and where you invest effort.

  2. (Issue No. 27)
    Think Modularly

    Creating modular systems allows us to write less fragile, easier to maintain HTML and CSS. Bridget explains why this approach is good for small and large sites alike.

  3. (Issue No. 26)
    Responsive Webfont Icons

    Don’t fear icons in responsive web designs. Jason shows you how to replace images with webfonts to create scalable icons for any interface.

  4. Front-end Validation

    Answered by Chris Casciano on 30 July 2013

    There was a time, in the not so distant past, when one of the first rules for coding HTML was to run your page through W3C’s Validation Service. Primitive editing tools and nascent browser…
  5. (Issue No. 25)
    Storytelling in Web Design

    Denise explains the importance of storytelling in website and app design by comparing and contrasting two history-focused sites.