Submit a site for review

Help us feed Shirley the mountain goat!

Submit your own work for our Sherpas to review! Submissions are carefully considered by our editorial staff, so it will take us some time before we make a decision on whether your submission is chosen. If your submission is accepted for review, you will be contacted by a member of our staff to obtain more information.

The Rules

  1. You must own the copyrights to the website/page you submit.
  2. You must be specific about ONE aspect of the site you want reviewed. Overall site reviews will not be considered.
  3. We cannot provide technical support.
  4. We currently have an English-speaking staff, so submissions in other languages can’t be considered.

Please tell us what you’d like to focus on! Be specific (but concise) in your answers to the following questions to avoid giving Shirley indigestion.

All fields are required

Have an Account?

Please Log in before submitting your site. If you don't have an account, you can Sign up now and we'll return you to this form when you're done.

  1. Please provide the URL for the specific page that includes the area you want reviewed
  2. Tell us what kind of challenge you and/or your users have with a specific area of your site e.g., interaction design of main navigation, accessibility of video player, etc.
  3. Tell us the demographics of your target audiences-e.g., gender, age, technical proficiency, etc. Also tells us some of your site analytics-e.g., browsers, devices, assistive technologies, etc.
  4. Tell us the main calls-to-action on your site-e.g., increase downloads of paid PDFs, increase product sales, increase eyeballs because we are ad-driven
  5. Humanity check

    Answer in lowercase letters only.