Nicole Fenton
Content Expert
Nicole Fenton is the coauthor of Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose. She has worked at a large social network, a startup incubator, a design studio, and Apple. As a consultant, Nicole manages content projects of all sizes and teaches writing as a design practice. She lives in Brooklyn and tweets at @nicoleslaw.
Reviews by this author
(Issue No. 32)
Writing for Global AudiencesIf you are on the web, your audience is global. Nicole reviews The Internet Archive, offering suggestions that will help you optimize your own content for a global audience.
(Issue No. 22)
Leaning Into LongformHow do we embrace today’s shifting landscape of content and devices? Nicole walks through ways to make readers comfortable on any device.
(Issue No. 19)
Art of the Quiet InterfaceHow do we design content to be engaging and distraction-free? Looking at Bonappetit.com, Nicole shows how we can give our users the space and time to relish good content.
(Issue No. 16)
Wayfinding: Writing for AccessibilityHow do you keep accessibility in mind when writing content? Looking at the Transport for London website, Nicole shows us how we can create, organize and maintain accessible content.