Content Archive

  1. Cross-Browser Audio and Video

    Answered by Aaron Gustafson on 9 July 2013

    Adding audio and video content to a web page is nowhere near as easy as we might like it to be. It’s not that the syntax is hard, but rather that the codec wars have made it rather…
  2. Assessible, Complex Data Entry Forms

    Answered by Jared Smith on 25 June 2013

    Your situation has two distinct accessibility requirements: table cells should be associated to their respective row and/or column headers, and inputs need descriptive labels. We’ll address…
  3. Using CSS Grid Systems

    Answered by Allison Wagner on 12 June 2013

    Let’s first establish that by “CSS Grid systems,” you mean CSS grid frameworks like Foundation, 960, and Bootstrap. Because I think many developers nowadays use grid systems…
  4. (Issue No. 24) Balancing Act: Features, Budgets & Timelines

    Adrian offers insight into the decision process of building a new site for the Buffalo Soccer Club, a not-for-profit with little to no budget and a looming deadline.

  5. Using jQuery to Solve Interaction Problems

    Answered by Chris Casciano on 23 April 2013

    There are two interlocking pieces at the core of this puzzle: Understanding algorithms, or the abstract steps, needed to solve the problem you’re encountering. Determining the best…