Brandon Satrom
Developer Extraordinaire
Brandon Satrom (@BrandonSatrom) is Program Manager for Kendo UI and is based in Austin, TX. A lover of the open web, Brandon loves to talk about HTML, JavaScript, CSS, open source and whatever new shiny tool or technology has distracted him from that other thing he was working on.
Brandon speaks at developer events all around the world, and he loves hanging out with and learning from other passionate developers, both online and in person. He also loves writing and, in addition to having several articles featured in publications like MSDN Magazine, .net Magazine, Adobe Developer Connection, and more, he released his first book (Building Apps for Windows 8 in JavaScript) in January of 2013.
Reviews by this author
(Issue No. 21)
Secrets of Awesome JavaScript API DesignGreat API design equals great user experience. Brandon details how JavaScript API builders can design great experiences by following principles found in art, architecture and industrial design.